NIFA Policy Statements

The following policy statements have been adopted by
the NIFA Council. All operations of the organization
must be conducted in accordance with these policies

Confidentiality Policy

It is the policy of The National Intercollegiate Flying Association that board/council members, judges, volunteer staff, and employees of The National Intercollegiate Flying Association may not disclose, divulge, or make accessible confidential information belonging to, or obtained through their affiliation with The National Intercollegiate Flying Association to any person, including relatives, friends, and business and professional associates, other than to persons who have a legitimate need for such information and to whom The National Intercollegiate Flying Association has authorized disclosure. Board/council members, judges, volunteer staff, and employees shall use confidential information solely for the purpose of performing services as a board/council member, judge, volunteer staff, and employee for The National Intercollegiate Flying Association. This policy is not intended to prevent disclosure where disclosure is required by law.
Board/council members, judges, volunteer staff, and employees volunteers and contractors must exercise good judgment and care at all times to avoid unauthorized or improper disclosures of confidential information. Conversations in public places, such as restaurants, elevators, and public transportation, should be limited to matters that do not pertain to information of a sensitive or confidential nature. In addition, trustees and employees should be sensitive to the risk of inadvertent disclosure and should for example, refrain from leaving confidential information on desks or otherwise in plain view and refrain from the use of speaker phones to discuss confidential information if the conversation could be heard by unauthorized persons.
At the end of a Board/council member's term in office or upon the termination of an employee's, volunteer's or contractor's relationship with The National Intercollegiate Flying Association, employment, he or she shall return, at the request of The National Intercollegiate Flying Association, all documents, papers, and other materials, regardless of medium, which may contain or be derived from confidential information, in his or her possession.


Conflict of Interest Policy

The National Intercollegiate Flying Association as a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization depends on charitable contributions from the public. Maintenance of its tax-exempt status is important both for its continued financial stability and for the receipt of contributions and public support. Therefore, the IRS as well as state corporate and tax officials, view the operations of The National Intercollegiate Flying Association as a public trust which is subject to scrutiny by and accountability to such governmental authorities as well as to members of the public.
Consequently, there exists between The National Intercollegiate Flying Association and its board, officers, and management employees a fiduciary duty which carries with it a broad and unbending duty of loyalty and fidelity. The board, officers, and management employees have the responsibility of administering the affairs of The National Intercollegiate Flying Association honestly and prudently, and of exercising their best care, skill, and judgment for the sole benefit of The National Intercollegiate Flying Association. Those persons shall exercise the utmost good faith in all transactions involved in their duties, and they shall not use their positions with The National Intercollegiate Flying Association or knowledge gained therefrom for their personal benefit. The interests of the organization must have the first priority in all decisions and actions.
This statement is directed not only to directors and officers, but to all employees who can influence the actions of The National Intercollegiate Flying Association. For example, this would include all who make purchasing decisions, all other persons who might be described as "management personnel," and all who have proprietary information concerning The National Intercollegiate Flying Association.
Conflicts of interest may arise in the relations of directors, officers, and management employees with any of the following third parties:
1.      Persons and firms supplying goods and services to The National Intercollegiate Flying Association.
2.      Persons and firms from whom The National Intercollegiate Flying Association leases property and equipment.
3.      Persons and firms with whom The National Intercollegiate Flying Association is dealing or planning to deal in connection with the gift, purchase or sale of real estate, securities, or other property.
4.      Competing or affinity organizations.
5.      Donors and others supporting The National Intercollegiate Flying Association.
6.      Agencies, organizations, and associations which affect the operations of The National Intercollegiate Flying Association.
7.      Family members, friends, and other employees.
A material conflicting interest may be defined as an interest, direct or indirect, with any persons and firms mentioned above. Such an interest might arise through:
1.      Owning stock or holding debt or other proprietary interests in any third party dealing with The National Intercollegiate Flying Association.
2.      Holding office, serving on the board, participating in management, or being otherwise employed (or formerly employed) in any third party dealing with The National Intercollegiate Flying Association.
3.      Receiving remuneration for services with respect to individual transactions involving The National Intercollegiate Flying Association.
4.      Using The National Intercollegiate Flying Association 's time, personnel, equipment, supplies, or good will for other than The National Intercollegiate Flying Association approved activities, programs, and purposes, except that minor, reasonable use is allowable at the discretion of the Executive Director or the Board.
5.      Receiving personal gifts or loans from third parties dealing with The National Intercollegiate Flying Association. Receipt of any gift is disapproved except gifts of nominal value which could not be refused without discourtesy. No personal gift of money should ever be accepted.
The areas of conflicting interest listed, and the relations in those areas which may give rise to conflict, are not exhaustive. Conceivably, conflicts might arise in other areas or through other relations. It is assumed that the trustees, officers, and management employees will recognize such areas and relation by analogy.
The fact that one of the interests described above exists does not mean necessarily that a conflict exists, or that the conflict, if it exists, is material enough to be of practical importance, or if material that upon full disclosure of all relevant facts and circumstances that it is necessarily adverse to the interests of The National Intercollegiate Flying Association.
However, it is the policy of the board that the existence of any of the interests described shall be disclosed before any transaction is consummated. It shall be the continuing responsibility of board, officers, and management employees to scrutinize their transactions and outside business interests and relationships for potential conflicts and to immediately make such disclosures.
Disclosure should be made according to The National Intercollegiate Flying Association standards. Transactions with related parties may be undertaken only if all of the following are observed:
1.     A material transaction is fully disclosed in the audited financial statements of the organization;
2.     The related party is excluded from the discussion and approval of such transaction;
3.     A competitive bid or comparable valuation exists; and
4.     The organization's board has acted upon and demonstrated that the transaction is in the best interest of the organization.
Disclosure in the organization should be made to the chief executive (or if she or he is the one with the conflict, then to the board chair), who shall determine whether a conflict exists and is material, and if the matters are material, bring them to the attention of the board chair.
Disclosure involving directors should be made to the board chair, who shall bring these matters, if material to the board.
The board shall determine whether a conflict exists and is material, and in the presence of an existing material conflict, whether the contemplated transaction may be authorized as just, fair, and reasonable to The National Intercollegiate Flying Association. The decision of the board on these matters will rest in their sole discretion, and their concern must be the welfare of The National Intercollegiate Flying Association and the advancement of its purpose.

Ethics Policy

We, as The National Intercollegiate Flying Association professionals (staff, council, and board members), dedicate ourselves to carrying out the mission of this organization. We will:
1.      Recognize that the chief function of The National Intercollegiate Flying Association at all times is to serve the best interests of our membership.
2.      Accept as a personal duty the responsibility to keep up to date on emerging issues and to conduct ourselves with professional competence, fairness, impartiality, efficiency, and effectiveness.
3.      Respect the structure and responsibilities of the board of directors/council, provide them with facts and advice as a basis for their making policy decisions, and uphold and implement policies adopted by the board of directors/council.
4.      Keep the community informed about issues affecting it.
5.      Conduct our organizational and operational duties with positive leadership exemplified by open communication, creativity, dedication, and compassion.
6.      Exercise whatever discretionary authority we have under the law to carry out the mission of the organization.
7.      Serve with respect, concern, courtesy, and responsiveness in carrying out the organization's mission.
8.      Demonstrate the highest standards of personal integrity, truthfulness, honesty, and fortitude in all our activities in order to inspire confidence and trust in our activities.
9.      Avoid any interest or activity that is in conflict with the conduct of our official duties.
10.    Respect and protect privileged information to which we have access in the course of our official duties.
11.    Strive for personal and professional excellence and encourage the professional developments of others.


Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harrassment Policy

The National Intercollegiate Flying Association is committed to equal opportunity for all persons without regard to sex, age, race, color, religion, creed, national origin, marital status, disability or sexual orientation. It is the policy of the National Intercollegiate Flying Association to comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations regarding equal opportunity. In keeping with that policy, the National Intercollegiate Flying Association is committed to maintaining a competitive and work environment that is free of unlawful discrimination and harassment. Accordingly, the National Intercollegiate Flying Association will not tolerate unlawful discrimination against or harassment of any of our employees or others present at our functions by anyone, including any member institution, contestant, judge, or sponsor of the National Intercollegiate Flying Association.


Whistleblower Policy

If any employee reasonably believes that some policy, practice, or activity of  NIFA, Inc. is in violation of law, a written complaint may be filed by that employee with the Chief Executive Officer.

It is the intent of NIFA, Inc. to adhere to all laws and regulations that apply to the organization, and the underlying purpose of this Policy is to support the organization's goal of legal compliance.  The support of all employees is necessary to achieving compliance with various laws and regulations.  An employee is protected from retaliation only if the employee brings the alleged unlawful activity, policy, or practice to the attention of NIFA, Inc., and provides NIFA, Inc. with a reasonable opportunity to investigate and correct the alleged unlawful activity

Last Updated
August 19, 2011
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